Summary A franchise opportunity in training and people development. Build a community local community of ambitious people interested in entrepreneurship to execute own ventures and improve their future. Core of development are weekly meetings of (paying) members to get inspirations, knowledge insights feedback and support. More details under
Mission create an entrepreneurial community to be empowered to start and execute commercial viable business ventures. Support and structured are provided also by our Business platform beyond Talent Circle.
Benefits Utilizing lical network to generate income from memebership, training coaching, Structures and material are provided. International connectivity to promote members and ventures. Potential to combine with F&B, hospitality, business services.
Summary Join the local Talent Circle to get inspired and empowered to achieve your success in life and business. .As part of a group with a focus to build long-term relationships your means and chances for success multiply based on a proven concept set up in Asia a decade ago.
Services / Agenda Success required positive, mindset, passion, accurate thinking, a support community and more. Talent Circles have been designed to fill in any gaps to significantly make a different in for the members.
Benefits Be able to achieve your dream - understand it, feel it, get the necessary report from local Talent Circle Community. Additional a free online community has been set up to allow anyone to become part of the bigger and empowered community. Additional business support and advisory to accelerate your venture is available via our business development initiatives.
Summary Business related training to support local community on entrepreneurs, business owners.
Services / Agenda Marketing - Business Management - Entrepreneurship - Finance Management - Innovation & Creativity - Business Operations - Leadership - Teambuilding - Creative Writing & Storytelling
Benefits Experiential learning and best practices to develop own skills and confidence. Networking opportunities. Certificates of participatand and achievements are issues. Project involvements to apply learned skills,
Summary As business is diversified, so are the challenges. Business Coaching often helps to gain different perspectives and solutions.
Services / Agenda Business Coaching - Personal Excellence - Solution Focus - Framing & Perspectives - Mindset - Emotions - Networks
Benefits Participants have opportunities to address their issues in small groups or in 1-to-1.
Summary Present your Venture to an international audience of business experts and potential investors for feedback.
Services / Agenda Presentation & Documentation Skills - Clarity about Venture - Guidance & Feedback - Opportunities
Benefits Get opportunities beyond the local community. Get a wider perspective of the potential of your venture.
Summary Special program to develop artistic and creative ambitions toward a commercial value
Services / Agenda Personal Skill and Development Plan - Portfolio Creation - Opportunities
Benefits Participants get support and inspiration to proceed with their passion. Combination of Arts with business & commercial strategies.
More projects in development.